A Calling to Teach. How it Emerges and Develops in Teachers Across the Americas
junio 2019
- Autor: C. Madero
- Fecha: San Francisco, abril 2019
- Lugar: presentado en el Congreso
- Referencia: «A Calling to Teach. How it Emerges and Develops in Teachers Across the Americas.»
- Tema: 63rd Annual Meeting of the Comparative and International Education Society
- Enlace: https://convention2.allacademic.com/one/cies/cies19/index.php?PHPSESSID=98j2q61lf522bde8h2lp2pa4rn&cmd=Online+Program+Search&program_focus=fulltext_search&search_mode=content&offset=0&search_text=madero
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